Vintage Orange Blazer + Blanket Scarf


Vintage Orange Blazer, Blanket Scarf

Happy Tuesday loves! How were your weekends? I hope all of you are just as excited for Christmas as my family and I are! Before I jump into today’s look featuring this vintage orange blazer and blanket scarf, I must stop and thank ALL of you for such sweet and warm responses on my last post! To be honest, I was a bit nervous about starting to blogging again, but your encouragement and excitement really energized me and I’m just so happy to be back!

In today’s look,  I’m wearing my trusted combo of a blazer, skinny jeans, and a blanket scarf. At this point, chambray is a neutral in my wardrobe and it was the perfect shade to balance the orange blazer, dark skinny jeans, and colorful blanket scarf without taking away from the look. I miss being able to wear outfits like this on out the door, because your girl was wrapped like Ralphie from A Christmas Story this morning.

Vintage Orange Blazer, Blanket Scarf

Vintage Orange Blazer, Blanket Scarf

Vintage Orange Blazer, Blanket Scarf

Vintage Orange Blazer, Blanket Scarf

Vintage Orange Blazer, Blanket Scarf

Vintage Orange Blazer, Blanket Scarf

Vintage Orange Blazer, Blanket Scarf

Vintage Orange Blazer, Blanket Scarf

Vintage Orange Blazer, Blanket Scarf

Vintage Orange Blazer, Blanket Scarf

 All photos for C’s Evolution of Style c/o my amazing Hubby!

WEARING: [ :: Blazer- Vintage (similar):: Bag  :: Boots :: Shirt (similar) :: Jeans :: Scarf (similar) :: Bracelets c/o Color by Amber :: Fitbit :: Watch  :: Lipstick :: ]


Have a fabulous week and a Merry Christmas!



  • Patti
    December 20, 2016

    Merry Christmas to you too and thanks so much for linking up, xo


  • Nathy
    December 21, 2016

    Always so gorgeous!! Love these fall tones and how perfectly the blazer goes with the scarf. <3

  • amy
    December 21, 2016

    What a gorgeous look! I love all the color in this outfit!

  • Ada
    December 21, 2016

    I love orange on you. The blazer pairs so well with the pretty blanket scarf and those dessert booties are awesome!

    Merry Christmas to you Chioma! Welcome by and linkup tonight, Thanks, Ada. =)

  • Tianna
    December 21, 2016

    gorgeous outfit! You look lovely! that scarf is so cozy too! you’re stunning xx have a happy holiday!

  • Shelly
    December 21, 2016

    These colors are just perfect on you! I don’t know why I never think of just topping my denim shirt with a blazer.

  • robincharmagne
    December 21, 2016

    Those colors, so vibrant, great color combo!

  • Toia Barry
    December 22, 2016

    This is definitely your color… and yellow! 🙂 So looking forward to getting a cute blanket scarf. You’ve styled this one perfectly with the light chambray setting off the pop of color!

  • ahhhsoneo
    December 26, 2016

    Chambray is a neutral – classic!

    Found you on Visible Mondays…