I’m BACK! Vintage Blazer + Faux Fur

Vintage Blazer, Faux Fur Stole

Hi my loves…it’s been a bit quiet over here in the past two months, right? I feel a bit guilty for not posting nearly as much as I used to, but life has been getting in the way. I struggled a bit with the whole work-life balance thing and so much has changed in both aspects. It’s never been easy to juggle and even harder with a brand new job and some recent life changes. I’m still in Higher Education but I’m in a position in student affairs that I’ve prayed for. And when God blessed me with it, I felt I had to spend some time diving in and learning the position. I no longer work crazy hours or travel weekly for work and I cannot be more thankful to be home with my husband and dog every day! That may not seem like much to some, but when you’re away for 10 weeks out of the year, it becomes even more valuable.

Anywho, enough of my rambling! I can honestly say I have a real handle on things now and they say you make time to do what you want, so I’m BACK! Did you all miss me? I missed you! I missed sharing style and music posts, and chatting with you all in the comments and on social media. The blogging community is such an inspiring and fun group to be part of and I’m happy to be back with new ideas, new content, a new posting schedule, which I’ll share with you later on this week and so much MORE!  Thank you all for being so patient with me these past few weeks and a special thank you to those who emailed me or messaged to check on me and let me know they missed reading my posts. <3

Vintage Blazer, Faux Fur Stole

Now let’s get into this look: I always love a vintage blazer in the Fall/Winter. It’s the perfect structural piece to make an alright outfit, FABULOUS! The neutral colors on this vintage blazer goes complements everything! You know I couldn’t just wear a blazer and crisp button up, I had to also add a statement necklace and faux fur stole, because why not? I have a pretty impressive collection of vintage blazers and I’m challenging myself to wear them in new and creative ways this Winter For an outfit this easy, why not add a little extra? It’s like ordering a hot chocolate and saying no to the whip cream, who does that?!

Vintage Blazer, Faux Fur Stole

Now let’s get into this jewelry! My friends from Color by Amber were kind enough to send me a few pieces from their line because they know I’m a jewelry lover. But this isn’t just any jewelry line! is NOT just jewelry… It is a way to give back, do good, and literally change the world. The “ecoresin” that their jewelry is made out of is crafted out of 40% recycled material – making it a sustainable source of style!

Their interlayers come from all over the world. Some are just beautiful, high-end fabrics, and others are recycled materials – like old blue jeans or up cycled coffee bags. But my favorites are always from our “Full Circle” collection…
Full Circle is their platform for helping women Artisans around the world. They work with Artisans who live in remote villages in places like Ndem, Nepal, and Mexico. They use sustainable resources and ancient techniques to hand-craft interlayers such as monastery fray paper from Nepal, serape weaves from Mexico, and organically grown cotton in Ndem.
You can learn more about them here!

Vintage Blazer, Faux Fur Stole

Vintage Blazer, Faux Fur Stole

Vintage Blazer, Faux Fur Stole
Vintage Blazer, Faux Fur Stole

Vintage Blazer, Faux Fur Stole

Vintage Blazer, Faux Fur Stole

Vintage Blazer, Faux Fur Stole

All photos for C’s Evolution of Style c/o my Amazing Husband

WEARING: [ :: Blazer (Vintage) :: Bag  :: Boots :: Glasses :: Shirt (similar) :: Jeans :: Faux Fur Stole gift from Hubby (Love) :: Necklace and bracelets c/o Color by Amber :: Fitbit :: Watch  :: Lipstick :: ]




  • Nicole N
    December 12, 2016

    So happy to see you back! Of all the blogs that I follow, I identify most with your style and have missed your inspiration! Congrats on your new role and I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve 🙂

  • Diana
    December 12, 2016

    She back she back she back! Slay sis! SO glad you’re back at it! The game needs you!

  • Rae
    December 12, 2016

    Hooray, you’re back! Congratulations on the new job!

    (I’ve never commented before, but your style is seriously amazing- looking forward to getting inspired by you once again.)

  • Steph
    December 12, 2016

    Congrats on the job! Love the blazer.


  • Jami Jaye
    December 13, 2016

    Wecome back and I love the blazer!! #BLMGirl

  • Kristin
    December 13, 2016

    Love your pink lipstick with the outfit! Glad you are recharged and ready to get back to fashion 🙂

  • La NomRah
    December 13, 2016

    Love this look! Congrats on all the newness! #BLMGirl

  • Congratulations on the new position! As someone also in higher education — and who also recently changed colleges and positions — I can relate to the feeling of “finding your place” 🙂 Also, your curls and style are as FABULOUS as ever! 🙂

  • Ada
    December 14, 2016

    Welcome back Chioma and congrats on your new position girl. I love this blazer especially with the fur shrug. You look phenomenal!

    Welcome by and linkup with me tonight! <3 Ada.

  • edwige
    December 14, 2016

    Welcome back! you look amazing in this faux fur jacket and your hair is beautiful!

    Edwige ( Blm girl)| http://www.hypnozglam.com

  • Mary Murnane
    December 15, 2016

    Yay! You;re back! And looking amazing in this faux fur look. Love it!


  • Toia B.
    December 15, 2016

    Definitely missed seeing you around. Nice to have you back! Congratulations on the job! Not having to travel anymore makes a huge difference.

    Love the look! The fur complements the blazer so well, it looks like it came that way! Great job. 😉


  • TheBoxQueen
    December 15, 2016

    This is a gorgeous comeback outfit. Happy to hear all the wonderful work things that happened, and you look pretty in that beautiful blazer. XOXO, Elif

  • Jessica A Jannenga
    December 19, 2016

    Good to see you! Love the brown plaid with the fur! Beautiful details!
    Thanks for linking with Turning heads tuesday
    jess xx

  • Shelly
    December 21, 2016

    You are adorable…glad you are back! I don’t think I have caught before that you work in higher ed…so do I. I’d love to work with students but instead I work on compiling our annual budget. I’m at Texas A&M…so who knows maybe we will cross paths in real life one day. 🙂