The Ultimate Patterned Maxi Dress

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patterned maxi dress, straw hat

Happy Wednesday loves! As the temperature gets warmer and warmer, I gravitate to my favorite kind of dress for Summer; the Patterned Maxi Dress! The simplicity of throwing on a maxi dress and knowing that 90% of your outfit is complete, further drives my love of them.  All you have left to figure out is what accessories will complement your maxi dress.

patterned maxi dress, straw hat

Every once in a while, magic happens in the form of a $20 fabulous maxi dress! I went in to H&M to exchange something and saw this on the rack and I may or may not have sprouted wings and flown over to grab one. The light airy fabric is a dream on blazing hot days and I can’t wait to take this with me on our vacation to Chicago next week!

patterned maxi dress, straw hat


[ :: Maxi Dress :: (similar) :: Sandals :: Panama Hat :: Necklace (similar) :: Belt :: Watch :: Bracelets :: Lipstick :: ]

patterned maxi dress, straw hat

patterned maxi dress, straw hat

patterned maxi dress, straw hat

patterned maxi dress, straw hat
patterned maxi dress, straw hat

patterned maxi dress, straw hat

patterned maxi dress, straw hat

patterned maxi dress, straw hat

patterned maxi dress, straw hat
patterned maxi dress, straw hat

patterned maxi dress, straw hat

All photos for C’s Evolution c/o my AMAZING Hubby!


[ :: Maxi Dress :: (similar) :: Sandals :: Panama Hat :: Necklace (similar) :: Belt :: Watch :: Bracelets :: Lipstick :: ]


I’d love to hear your recommendations on notable food, drinks, & sights to see while in Chicago! Drop me a line below and thanks for reading!



  • Abby
    June 29, 2016

    I love this maxi dress – gorgeous pattern and the flowy fit is amazing! Plus, your sandals are the cutest!

    Abby | Life in the Fash Lane

  • Mother & Daughter
    June 29, 2016

    I love your dress, I also like a nice maxi in the summer. Like how you mixed the shoes with your dress, very cute.

  • Mary Murnane
    June 30, 2016

    I am in love with every thing about this look! The colors, the patters! Amazing.


  • rosie
    June 30, 2016

    what a fabulous dress! It looks amazing on you!!

    Life is just Rosie

  • Jaymie Ashcraft
    July 1, 2016

    Such a beautiful dress!!!!

  • Diane
    July 1, 2016

    You look so beautiful! I love your dress too!
    DeeVine Anonyme

  • Shelbee on the Edge
    July 3, 2016

    Absolutely stunning! And I love how you accessorized. The brown belt is so sophisticated with the black and white print. And those sandals are so fun and your necklace makes such a beautiful statement. I love everything about this outfit! Well done!


  • Kristin
    July 5, 2016

    It’s so fun to pair black and white with punches of color and I love how you did it 🙂 Especially the fun lip color.

  • Happiness at Mid Life
    July 7, 2016

    What a beautiful dress and gorgeous photos!

    Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


  • Joi @InMyJoi
    July 8, 2016

    Hi Beautiful! I found your blog on Cid’s Style File, this look is summertime excellence!!!

  • stephanie
    July 21, 2016

    That dress is absolutely beautiful! And you styled it perfectly.