3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

Happy Thursday loves!  I’ve been very consistent in this space and on social media this year but not always as much as I would like. Nor do I always get the response I would like. But something happened the other day, that jolted me into action. I was on the phone with my Mommy and she said, “Adanm, I know you’re waiting on God to answer certain prayers and fulfill certain dreams. In the meantime, take what you’re doing to the next level. Make sure your waiting isn’t in vain. Live your best life while you wait.” I haven’t stopped thinking about it since and I promised her that I would do just that. So with that said, we are going to talk about the 3 WAYS TO LEVEL UP YOUR DREAMS, today.

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams


Though I’ve been committed to this blog for years, I have had seasons where life has caused me to take some time away. That is perfectly fine, but I always come back. This year I recommitted to being as consistent as possible in this space. To make this a priority, to grow my readership, and connect with others. To bring fresh, high-quality content, and to use my voice to talk about my life but things that affect all of us. I’ve also committed to stretching myself in areas that are new to me. Those areas may be to attend conferences, blogger events, collaborate with other bloggers, shoot in new locations, with a new photographer, and stepping out of my comfort zone.

What have you committed to doing this year to achieve your dreams?

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

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3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams


Fear can be crippling. Fear manifests itself as anxiety for me. Fear has prevented me from making quick decisions or trying new things in the past. Fear has probably blocked me from blessings and opportunities that I was too scared to pursue. I promised myself I will fight through that this year. I promised myself that no dream would be too big to take baby steps towards or to achieve this year. Some dreams take time and that requires patience. But luckily, I have a quite a few dreams and I can work towards them at the same time. 😉 In the past two months, I have experienced fear when approaching new opportunities, but I have fought through that fear. HERE is an example of my fearlessness. Go comment that you think I should win! I have chosen to speak life and truth out loud when I hear doubt inside. I’ve been busier than ever but loving every minute of inching closer and closer to some really cool things!

What is keeping you from pursuing your dreams? What changes are you making to get closer to/achieve those dreams?

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams


I am CONSTANTLY studying fashion and style blogging, other bloggers, photography, lighting, fashion magazines, you name it! This industry and I’m sure others are constantly changing, and you will not win by doing the same thing year after year. Don’t be afraid to collaborate and learn from others, invest in classes, attend conferences, watch webinars and read on your own! Soak up all the knowledge you can, like a sponge, and you will never be done learning.

It has taken me a while to be okay with failing and making mistakes. As a perfectionist, I can be really hard on myself. But I have found that making mistakes and failing is a given on the way to achieving my dreams. Will Smith said it best: “Failure is a major part of being successful.” He said that all success is controlled failure and that it is needed for growth. Better to learn this lesson now than later, so accept it and learn from it!

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

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3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

3 Ways To Level Up Your Dreams

Photography: Britney Mitchell

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Now tell me what dreams you’re leveling up on this year? SHARE BELOW!

Stay Fabulous!




  • Marta
    March 1, 2019

    Awesome tips. I think it’s hard sometimes to pursue certain dreams because we’re either too busy with other things or we’re scared to fail but I think it’s important to never give up. Thanks for sharing, this post could be exactly what someone needed right now.

    • Chioma
      March 1, 2019

      I’m so happy you found this post helpful! Thanks for reading 🙂

  • Briana
    March 1, 2019

    Commitment and consistency are always huge ones for me!


    • Chioma
      March 1, 2019

      Glad to hear it, thanks for reading! Have a great weekend 🙂

  • Megan
    March 4, 2019

    Yes! It’s so important to be fearless when following your dreams. I want to start making an income with my blog, but I know I have to get over my fear of self-promotion. Hopefully I’ll do just that! Thanks for the post!

    • Chioma
      March 5, 2019

      So happy I can help encourage you and good luck with promoting your blog! 🙂

  • Sabra
    March 4, 2019

    Love it! Commitment/consistency are the ones that keep your dream alive!

    • Chioma
      March 5, 2019

      Thanks boo! It’s something I want to sharpen this year, I think I’ll see great results 🙂

  • Stephanie
    March 5, 2019

    Such great advice! I struggle with consistency. I’m working on building my YouTube channel right now and that is definitely the key! Thanks for the awesome reminder. 🙂

    • Chioma
      March 5, 2019

      Me too! I’m challenging myself to master consistency this year, good luck on your new channel! 🙂

  • Raina
    March 5, 2019

    Such great tips! I love your advice of not being afraid to fail. Not everything works out the way we want it to but we can learn so much from it.

    • Chioma
      March 6, 2019

      I’m so glad you enjoyed reading it! I’m still learning that it’s ok to fail, it’s not easy at all!

  • Samantha
    March 5, 2019

    I need to commit to being more consistent as well, and for me, I think that means making a content calendar to keep me accountable!

  • Porscha Lynette
    March 5, 2019

    All great points! Happy to see you sticking it out, Girlfriend!!

    • Chioma
      March 6, 2019

      thanks girl! After 8 years, I can’t quit even though some days are hard 🙂

  • Marie
    March 5, 2019

    This blog really spoke to me and draws to mind a question I should ask myself more often- “What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” I would estimate that 90% of my worries never became reality, yet I paralyzed myself with fear… for NO good reason. And I also likely missed out on success because I didn’t try.

    Thank you for bringing this to the forefront of my mind again as it’s time for me to take another big step… one I’ve been afraid to take wholeheartedly so far.

    • Chioma
      March 6, 2019

      Hi Marie! Wow! I feel the same way and when I was writing this post, I was speaking to myself as well. I’m so happy that I encourage you in some small way. Let’s try our best to push through fear and get closer to our dreams 🙂

  • Miranda
    March 5, 2019

    Love this look & love the message even more!

    • Chioma
      March 6, 2019

      Thank you so much Miranda! 🙂

  • Leela
    March 5, 2019

    I love this post! I’ve been struggling with fear lately.

    • Chioma
      March 6, 2019

      Hi Leela! Thanks so much and so have I. It has held me back and crippled me and I have to fight through it daily! I’m cheering you on 🙂

  • Haley
    March 5, 2019

    What a great reminder! I find myself feeling inadequate sometimes in this space and have to remind myself that I do have something to give and I need to stay focused! I loved these tips! Thank you so much!?? I definitely need to be more consistent and stay on a schedule!

    • Chioma
      March 6, 2019

      Hi Haley, we all have something to give and someone who wants to receive it from us. I struggle with that almost daily! Especially when you try and try and it doesn’t seem like it’s making an impact. Your comments encourage me to keep going as well, thank you! 🙂