Gold Pleated Metallic Skirt + Blush Turtleneck

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Gold pleated metallic skirt, blush turtleneck

Happy first of March my loves!

I wish I could say I’m currently outside in 60 degree weather frolicking about town with my husband in this beautiful pleated metallic skirt and a tissue thin blush turtleneck but I’m not. Instead, I’m trying to dry off into some respectful semblance of a professional. I got rained on and blown around this morning every which way. Listen, you never know just how fragile you are until an ungodly mixture of rain, hail, and 50 mph winds tosses you around like a rag-doll.

Gold pleated metallic skirt + blush turtleneck

Anyway, let’s get down to this outfit. I’ve been seeing pleated metallic skirts everywhere (on pinterest, fellow bloggers, social media, magazines, you name it) and if my blog is the first place you’re seeing one, that’s totally ok! I hope I’m doing it some justice!! 😉  I came up with countless ways to style this skirt but decided to go with a blush turtleneck, and black ballet lace up flats. My gold metallic pleated skirt is a real eye catcher and focal point of the look so I decided to keep accessories neutral to let my skirt do all the talking.

You know what they say…sometimes less is more.

Gold pleated metallic skirt + blush turtleneck

Gold pleated metallic skirt + blush turtleneck

Gold pleated metallic skirt + blush turtleneck
Gold pleated metallic skirt + blush turtleneck
Gold pleated metallic skirt + blush turtleneck

Gold pleated metallic skirt + blush turtleneck

Gold pleated metallic skirt + blush turtleneck

All photos for C’s Evolution of Style are c/0 my incredible Husband.


[ :: Skirt (similar here, here, LOVE) :: H&M Turtleneck (similar here) :: Flats (similar here) :: Necklace gifted by my sissy (similar here) :: Bracelets :: Watch :: Lipstick :: Blush :: Nail Polish :: Fitbit :: ]

I hope you all have a whimsical Wednesday!



  • Virginia
    March 1, 2017

    This is SUCH a beautiful look! I immediately noticed your picture in the linkup because that blush top is so lovely with the pale gold! And you’re right, sometimes less is more. I think keeping the top simple lets the necklace and pretty skirt stand out. Love the photos!

    • Chioma
      March 1, 2017

      Thank you for your sweet and thoughtful comment Virginia and I hope you stay awhile 🙂

  • Iris
    March 1, 2017

    I’m absoluetly in love with this wonderful outfit!! *.*

  • Shelly
    March 1, 2017

    Such a lovely combo!

    Shelly||The Queen in Between

  • Liv
    March 1, 2017

    Loving the metallic skirt. So glam!


  • Ada
    March 1, 2017

    Happy March 1st to you Chioma. I just love this outfit and would wear it head to toe. The skirt and necklace are great. But yeah I feel you, it was very cold and rainy (and currently we have very light slow) here in Michigan.

    I hope you join my linkup this week. It just launched live. Thanks and enjoy the rest of your week!

  • Jessica
    March 2, 2017

    The metallic skirt looks great. I love the combo of blush and gold.

  • Ruth
    March 2, 2017

    I love this blush and metallic look. It’s so pretty for Spring!

  • Abby
    March 6, 2017

    I love how feminine this outfit is. That metallic skirt is so beautiful with the blush turtleneck!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  • Annalisa
    April 1, 2017

    This looks is soooo gorg! That skirt is everything. Thanks for sharing this look with us ?

    • Chioma
      April 3, 2017

      Thank you so much Annalisa! I’m excited to wear it even more this spring, I hope you had a great weekend!

    • Chioma
      April 4, 2017

      Thank you Annalisa! 🙂