Merry Christmas + Brown Family Christmas Card!

Happy Christmas Eve loves! Since we can’t mail our Christmas cards to each and every one of you, I wanted to share it here! 🙂 We decided two weeks ago to shoot spur of the moment Christmas photos to turn into cards, and send out a few to our families and close friends. My sister was a good sport and came over and shot these cute family photos of us, on our front porch. I just love how they turned out and my husband designed these beautiful Christmas cards. I’m thinking this will be a tradition for us now. We had so much fun and Polo even managed to stay still lol. I can’t wait to take a much needed break to celebrate our first official Christmas Eve and day together as a married couple. We will also be visiting with my in-loves so this will be my last post this week. I hope you all enjoy celebrating the birth of Jesus with your families and loved ones and take the time to savor each moment spent with them!!
We hope all of you have a blessed and Merry Christmas! 
~The Browns~


  • Merry Christmas sweetie.


  • Jacqueline Penn
    December 24, 2014

    Love it! I'm thinking of doing this with the hubby and our dogs next year. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

      December 27, 2014

      thank you so much! you should definitely do it! 🙂 I had a wonderful Christmas and I hope you did too!

  • Dine
    December 25, 2014

    I love the idea of the matching plaid pattern on the both of you, and then sitting on the plaid blanket ties it all together. The photos are beautiful capturing your holiday spirit. Holiday blessings to your family.


      December 27, 2014

      thank you so much Dine! You're so sweet! It was so last minute, we're really happy it came out so well! I hope you had a very blessed and Merry Christmas!

  • Tiffany Ima
    December 27, 2014

    Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing. Hope your Christmas was marvelous!

    Thanks for linking to Beautiful You!
    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly

  • Ufuoma
    December 29, 2014

    Very beautiful.merry christmas dear

  • Ufuoma
    December 29, 2014

    Very beautiful.merry christmas dear

  • J Trogstad
    December 29, 2014

    This is such a cute post! I love seeing Christmas cards that are fun and show the family's true personality like this! Thanks for sharing this with Celebrate Southern last week! Suz (2catsandchloe) and I hope to see ya back this week too! I hope you had a great Christmas dear! I am pinning this cute post to our Celebrate Southern Pinterest board right now 🙂 xoxo

  • Angela Reasonstodress
    December 30, 2014

    Chioma thank you so much for linking up to the #reasonstodress linkup! I will be featuring one of these beautiful photos on the new linkup post going live later today. Please feel free to stop by and say hello and I love the energy that is felt between you and your man!

    Angie from reasons to dress

  • Vee PeeJay
    December 30, 2014

    Gorgeous pics! Happy New Year to you and your family 🙂 #blmgirls

  • Kat Harris
    January 1, 2015

    SO cute!! You are adorable! I am doing a FREE BURBERRY fragrance giveaway if you want to enter!! 🙂