Orange Crush…

Happy Monday loves! How were your weekends? Mine was pretty amazing, I went to a local annual festival here in my town  with J and we had a ball. I took so many pics! If you’re following me on Instagram (@Csevolutionofstyle), you got to see so many pics from our weekend, so come on over! I may upload some on here this week. This is what I wore to church yesterday, I’ve really been loving chiffon blouses this year and I think this burnt orange color really matches the color the leaves are turning outside…Fall is here!
Did I mention that my boyfriend suggested this outfit? Wonders never cease! Ha! who am I kidding? He has great style 😉
Style Guide: Try wearing a chiffon blouse with jeans this season, it’ll add the perfect touch of sophistication to your outfit!
Isn’t this the perfect back to school look? You know for the first week where everyone gets dressed up and actually tries before it’s back to jeans and hoodies lol.  I am linking up with EBEW for this month’s Back To School theme!!
Photographer: Diana A.
The Look: | Blouse: Old Navy Studio Edition  (similar here)| Jeans: Gap | Flats: Target | Bag: H&M | Necklace: J Crew (similar here)
Did any of you get to go to  New York Fashion Week and see any shows? I lived vicariously through some of my blogger girlfriends on Instagram and I saw some amazing looks and fashion! If you did, I’d love to hear what your experience was like because I want to go next year! 😉
Have a fabulous day! 
