Guest Post: Diana!

Yooooo everyone! This is Diana, Chioma’s sis and photographer! I’m usually behind the lens but my sis asked me to guest post with an outfit while she’s out of town!
So my big sis is ENGAGED!!! I’m still super excited like its me! I’m living vicariously through her!! Her boyfriend (now fiancé) is the bomb and I just love him! They’ve been together forever now so I knew it was coming. He called me on the Friday before (he proposed on a Sunday) and told me that he was going to pop the question. I was outside walking Polo and began screaming! 😀 He told me not to tell anyone, but I had to tell two of my closest friends..thank God they kept the secret well!! lol
Sunday finally came around and the hard part began …we had to convince her that she was going to a birthday barbecue for his mom. We succeeded at that!!! He did the rest of magic when they arrived at the park. He had gotten food from the restaurants that meant the most to them from college until now for their picnic and popped the question by the lake at the park. How cute! ☺
After he proposed, they came back to his apartment where I and some of their family and friends were waiting for them to help celebrate!
What an amazing proposal!! ❤
This is what I wore to church on Sunday! I found this skirt while thrifting on Saturday with my sis and I just love the color and fit. 
The Look: | Cardigan: Forever 21 | Skirt: Vintage | Shoes: Target |  Earrings:  H&M | 

Have a wonderful weekend!!



  • Daisy Nguyen
    September 28, 2012

    What a great skirt! LOVe the color, love the length, and the fact that it has pockets is a great BONUS!
    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  • Adeola Naomi
    September 29, 2012

    You look stunning and its amazing to see the person behind Chioma's outfit post!
    Love your skirt Diana!!!

  • s
    October 1, 2012

    u are stunning ! xO!

  • Rochelle
    October 2, 2012

    I love your outfit…and the bright blue skirt. I like your hair like that…I love wearing buns I always look prettier because you can see all my facial features. I'm glad I found your blog! I'm your new follower 🙂 yay. RoRos World

  • Adin B
    October 9, 2012

    ME too! I love that skirt. 🙂 I want one! 🙂