Hot Pink Panther!!

Happy Monday again Loves!! My weekend was super relaxing and so much fun! Friday, we celebrated J’s granny’s 90th birthday, she’s a lovely woman and I enjoyed spending time with him and his family. Saturday was so simple (and just what we needed), we just spent the weekend together and hung out, watching movies and spending quality time together. It was much needed and I felt so refreshed and ready to attack the week!
Anywho, this outfit was from last week! This neon pink number is vintage and I LOVE it! I wish there was a way to let you feel and see the quality of this blouse, it is absolutely amazing 🙂 I really wanted the blouse to be the focal point of the outfit, so I kept it simple and wore my Gap skinnies and fave leopard loafers (they will be called “panther” for the title’s purposes lol) to finish the look. I love finding great quality items at vintage stores, I promise you the room stopped when I found this blouse lol! Enjoy the pics!
PS I’m FINALLY becoming more comfortable with wearing my hair out and it’s so freeing!
Photo Credits: Diana A.

What I Wore: | Blouse: Vintage | Jeans: Gap | Loafers: Dollhouse |  Bag: Vintage | Jewelry: Everywhere | 
What do you ladies think? I LOVE hearing from you all :o) *special hugs to my new followers* Have an amazing week lovies!!  

