Spotted Neutrals & A Special Thank You!!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend loves!! I decided to throw a blazer on over my outfit due to the cold front we’ve had for the last few days. (Please come back Spring weather!) I chose to wear a caramel colored blazer over my polka dot blouse to neutralize the entire look for a casual lunch meeting. I topped it all off with an over-sized clutch, simple jewelry, and taupe cap toe flats! Enjoy the pics…

What I Wore: | Blazer: Vintage Christian Dior | Blouse: Thrifted | Jeans: Gap | Clutch: Thrifted | Flats: Old Navy | Accessories: Gifted & Vintage |

I just wanted to take the time to thank each and every one of my lovely followers! You make my day in so many ways, and I love chatting with you and hearing from you 🙂 It’s a great feeling to see this little blog grow and know that I’m not just talking to myself lol! Have a blessed day! <3 
