Hey Loves! I was out thrifting and found these AMAZING blazers and I just had to share them with you…funny how you find the greatest things, when you’re not looking!! :o)
(LOVE this vintage mens blazer! Check out this lining!!! My camera didn’t capture it accurately but there is sky blue, brown, and cream threading in this blazer and I cant wait to style this!)
(Soooo I’m out thrifting and what do i come across?? A vintage Christian Dior perfectly tailored and lined CHRISTAN DIOR mens blazer!!!!…*insert Haaaalelujahhh*…we were so meant to be! lol)
(BRIGHT Cherry RED blazer from ebay stores! My camera didn’t do it any justice. lol. A wool texured exterior with beautiful red satin lining. ) 
(Thrifted Vintage blue blazer…with a lighter blue satin lining!!)
My obsession for Blazers has been calmed down…for now anyway 😉 and I can’t wait to style these. I love how blazers are so multi-dimensional. You can wear them with collared shirts, tops, tanks, skinny jeans, dresses, skirts, leggings, and the list goes on and on!!
What are some vintage/thrifted items you all have found lately? I’d love to hear about them!
Stay Fab!! xoxoxo~


  • Sheyla
    October 1, 2011

    Wow! Great finds :O
    I still have not managed to find blazers of my like at my local thrift stores.
    I'm in love with the first one as well! 😀

    October 1, 2011

    Thanks girl 🙂 that was my first time ever thrifting blazers too!! I always find good ones on accident lol